Friday, August 31, 2012

Assignment 1: Digital Media Convergence

Today, traditional advertising agencies have to adapt or die. Like the dinosaurs they would likely become extinct unless they can come up with new creative ideas that consumers would be interested in. This is not an exaggeration, traditional media tools today are no longer walled up in their own world with different types of audiences they are now converging into different forms, creating Digital Convergence, the convergence of four industries (Information Technologies, Telecommunication, Consumer Electronics, and Entertainment) corporation. So what does this mean for traditional advertising agencies? Advertisements today are no longer bound by traditional radios, TV’s, billboards. The declining viewers and listeners of television and radios should already be a sign that consumers are getting fed up with ad filled shows while watching their favorite TV series or listening to their top bands. Instead of enduring all that they turn to their computers, handheld video phones where everything they want to do is one click away. There is no definition on what this is called Dwyer T.(2010) The rapid evolution of convergence means that it may be better not to attempt to define the term, but rather to describe its impact Dwyer T.(2010). But how is digital convergence really affecting advertising companies today? Digital convergence has turned everything from the most obscure kind of information available to us all in a block box Jenkins, N (2006). How can traditional advertising agencies compete with that? According to Dwyer the advertising industry is forced to shift from mass media to new media.

 As a consequence of the rise of search businesses such as Google, eBay, MSN Yahoo! and Amazon the advertising industry has been forced to respond to these altered practices by more strategically matching fragmenting audiences’ consumers to goods and services through specific media providers. Dwyer, T. (2010) Media Convergence. 1-23. With the growth of the interactivity of the internet different advertising agencies have turned to different means of getting their messages, products seen. Some have turned to search engines for advertisements where these sites are being flooded by different advertisements just to promote their products online. A clear example would be Yahoo, you can go to Yahoo right now and in the screen you would be able to spot different products for different uses competing for your attention. Another would be YouTube, whenever you try to watch a video an advertisement video would force you to wait seconds before you can cancel it. But the most popular advertising type in use today is the banner ads. Fangfang Diao and S. Shyam Sundar did a study concerning the effects of pop-up windows and animation and have concluded that pop-up ads is the most effective and most popular way of showing products to consumers. Generally speaking, the physiological data gathered from the experiment were supportive of the hypothesis concerning the OR-eliciting effect of popup windows. The psychological data also revealed the superior effect of popup windows over the commonly used banners with respect to ad recall. Fangfang Diao and S. Shyam Sundar, Orienting Response and Memory for Web Advertisements: Exploring Effects of Pop-Up Window and Animation (2004) There have been different ways advertising agencies responded with the growing popularity of the internet and how they could fit advertising their messages into them without being a bother to these people, they treat this as an opportunity to create short movies or messages portraying what they want to tell different audiences in a very entertaining way. YouTube is one of the most popular free video sharing website in the world with a number of viewers daily ranging up to 100,000,000. With that kind of numbers getting your advertisements seen would be priceless.

This would be a good example of an informational ad They provide a value in that they describe how the attributes of a product can solve problem consumers might have”. Sheehan, Kim and Morrison, Deborah (2009) Beyond convergence: Confluence culture and the role of the advertising agency in a changing world, First Monday vol 14 no 3. thru the internet, although it has garnered thousands of viewers in the internet. One popular way of advertising today is movie advertising, although it is not limited to movies, it can also be seen in popular series or even animated shows. This is a way of advertising their products in discrete ways without using commercial ads. A good example would be Mission Impossible 4. What better way to get your product known than a big budget action movie. They showed of their high-tech being driven and even destroyed. 

The video shows different scenes where their cars where seen, including their concept car the i8.

So with all the different ways advertising agencies have adapted in the coming new age of Digital Convergence we can hope to see more creative and unseen ways by which advertising companies can broadcast their products. With the growing tools of media we can hope to see a lot more advertisements in different forms to your laptop, handheld phone to your favorite movies. But one thing is certain innovation, even though it is a rarely seen thin because of hard it is to do we can be sure this is what a successful advertisement would do. Sheehan, Kim and Morrison, Deborah (2009) Innovation is the bottom line: a confluence culture demands innovation in an industry that can often be slow to innovate. However, innovation is now the coin of the realm. Advertising’s innovation ecosystem is dependent on the mixing of digital, intellectual, and creative capital, which involves utilization of ideas from a range of people involved in the communication process: clients, media audiences, and agency personnel. It is also dependent on the idea that advertising is a process of telling unique stories in innovative ways, through a variety of media. Sheehan, Kim and Morrison, Deborah (2009)


Dwyer, T. (2010) Media Convergence. 1-23.

Jenkins, N. (2006) Convergence Culture: Where old and New Media Collide

Fangfang Diao and S. Shyam Sundar, Orienting Response and Memory for Web Advertisements: Exploring Effects of Pop-Up Window and Animation (2004)

Available at:

Sheehan, Kim and Morrison, Deborah (2009) Beyond convergence: Confluence culture and the role of the advertising agency in a changing world in First Monday vol 14 no 3 -

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